Thursday, January 4, 2018

Juniors last goodbye

Dr. Origitano came after I had been told Shannon was out of surgery and into recovery. He had me follow him to a private area because he didn't want to discuss it infront of others, which of course would make a person who didn't know him think the worst. However after many time meeting and discussing things I`ve learned not to jump to any conclusions.

Luckily once we were out of the waiting lobby he said Shannon is fine and talking, responding to questions and will be moved to the ICU within an hour. We sat and he spoke for less than five minutes about the brain surgery, describing it as what he expected, non-cytoma and instead degenerated (which is a good thing). The rest of the time was spent as he described pealing off her skin and muscles of her face to make it look more 'normal'. Apparently she has a plate now and a muscle pulled over it. He expects that she`ll likely be out Saturday.

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